Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Back from the Orlando Indie Book Fest

I have attended my first indie book event. I feel like I should be sporting pom poms and cheering for the authors 'cause I think that is truely is a significant event signaling a cultural change in our mind sets about indie writers. Well, not my mind set because I have enjoyed many books written by indie authors for several years now. However, there are frequent articles about indie books verus traditional publicated books. Let me make a few observations:

1. Indie authors foremost are readers who also write what they love to read.
2. Indie authors write hoping that others will enjoy their work, whether they sell just a few books, or enough to make a living at it.
3. Indie authors are reaching out to each other, being supportive and sharing information ranging from book covers, to editors, to formating, to interacting with bloggers and readers.

And now, they are finding that if they create a book event, people will come!

The book event I am refering to was the Indie Book Fest in Orlando August 3rd. In one room was about 40 tables of authors with their books. I read some of the books, but was introduced to many more authors and books I hadn't seen before. Although most were of the YA/NA genre, interspersed where sci-fi, erotica, and dystopian. Even a few childrens books. Tables ranged from very professional looking, to a little sparce because it was perhaps a first time event for the author. But everyone was excited to be there, and loved to talk about their books and their stories.

In the other room the set up was for a panel of about 5-6 authors with topics ranging from NA versus YA, so you think you can write, and what makes guys swoon-worthy. The audience could ask questions as well.

There were a few bumps, as expected for any first time event. I think that the authors would have enjoyed attending the panels but many didn't leave their tables. I thought I was late, but the panels didn't start until 9. This wasn't clear on the agenda. I think it would have been helpful to have the people who had info for writers such as book covers, editing services, promotional products, etc could have had their own corner where attendies who write could spend more time to chat and gather information for their writing endeavors. I would like to know about blogging, perhaps there could be a table for bloggers.

Overall this was a really great event. The key is to interact. Authors tend to be shy. But talk about their passion, and you will find a friend and a ton of new books to read.

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